been nearly a month since i posted...
i need to catch up a many many things, have been almost running thru my life since the past two weeks. Though i have been to home, but couldn't relax much back there...was there for some 4 odd days and our car metered 500KMS more than it's regular metering. Back here, at college was trying to catch up with the assignment submission deadlines, presentations of our Software Engineering project.
Well, my lovely tall friends rightly claims that this course is a bane for an Engineers exsistence. But, it's a blessing later. But, right now at this point of time, it's hell of a course.
On the other side of my life, I stopped talking to my best friend, whom i love the most.....well we weren't even on proper terms for over more than 1 year, jus coz of some petty screw ups on my part and again more screw ups on my part again.
That's life again.
And now, as i try to forget the past and move on, it comes back in my dreams. I slept for straight 15 hrs and wake up to a nightmare, rather a dream, which i never wished to have, it adds to my rage, my jealousy and gives me another reason to screw up.... it's my paranoia.....the girl i love the most comes to my home, and then this guy, whom i hate the most, too comes to my home...and then ..........................................
i don't remember, but all i can remember is my gut feeling to punch him.
well you too would understand, if someone takes your place, be it in your office or with your best friend, whom you love the most.