It has been ages since me have blogged.

me was all over these days thinking over the meaning of the blog....what do people do at it.....
me have been going through many of the blogs of my my batchmates, as far as me know r unaware abt this.....

these days me a bit worried abt my academics....

everytime me keep screwing up the sem's...
n back home they expect a lot from me....

but the problem with me is.....
mei don't like the studying part, i mean in the sense in which
the whole world understands.....

me rather prefer learning to to the so called 'Education'...
me like working....tht's the reason why u find me in
everything in the campus...
the satisfaction u get from it, atleast i is much more than what u can even think of...

me get to learn a lot of things from the experience....
atleast me learn to live and survive....

but what u r expected to do @ home is to be a machine....
rather say a earning machine to curn out money......
to study hard....get into a dammed management course or a dammed IIT....
get a ready made placed job....with a start of say around 10 lakhs.....

my question is what r u gonna do with that....u get them along with u after u die(tht's a toooooo long thing fr us)...
one thing ur children wud inherit them.....
instead of that teach them to earn and live instead of pamperning them...
let them learn the difficulties and let them learn from them....

me know these bcoz tht's how my dad got the present position in which he is in....
able to send me to DAIICT.......

these things always keep reappearing in my mind....
me still don't have an appropriate answer to them......

these r not the only ones but there are many more.........
which in due course of time me wud be putting them here......

1 Comment:

  1. Neeharika Buddha said...
    thts a nice attitude towards life!!!

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