RISE TO ACTION!: While youth sing and dance their life away, the darkside of the world is rumbling, waiting to explode.

BHAVAN'S VIVEKANANDA COLLEGE: Today the world is an active volcano.The youth arises only when the volcano erupts and melts down gradually just as the lava settles down.

I term the political world, underworld, naxalism, militancy,terrorism, illiteracy, poverty, environmental hazards, atrocitiesagainst women, all under one head as the dark universe.
What makes the volcano rumble is unknown to the youth, which spends its dainty days in pubs, parties, blasts and night outs!!!

Neither will a student be bothered about the dark universe if he is confined to the four walls of the class room, college campus or sweethome.

Movies too cater to that lot of literate yet aimless vagabonds.

It is true that fun and masti are an integral part of the high-spirited youth but should that be the cost of knowledge of where the nation is heading?

In fact in the immediate future we are the ones who will lead theworld. A drop of blood or energy wasted now diminishes ten times the energy in the future.

It is not that men are unaware of the dark universe but remainignorant either because they are not interested or think it is nottheir job.

Wake up call

So modern day Romeos and Juliets, wake up! The power of love shall now be transformed into the power of action. We need a revolution! The world shall not remain as it is.
The collegians shall think, reach out beyond the compound walls and support the right causes, assure a bright future and become a force to reckon with.
Let us call ourselves hells angels!!!

Hells angels on their way

Hurry up before even your hairs turn grey...

Motto for I-Day

We care for justice, no matter how it is achieved! When running around the trees has drastically shifted to the corridors of real powers andgrim reality, let us `awake, arise and stop not till the goal is reached'.

Let that be the motto and cause to celebrate this Independence Day!
Having acquired freedom in the literal sense from British Raj almost six decades ago, let us now acquire freedom from the dark universe!

It is better late than never, there is hope for each tomorrow in an independent world!


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