This is the transformed me when the xams r round the corner.....
When i open up the Proffesor's folders and notes to look up for the syllabus, n phut!!!!
i know nothing, i don't even have the slighest hint what had happened in the lectures....
This is the part of my college life which i hate the the end of which it is never a fun.
And with a few, rather many ppl. around who bury their faces in the piles of books, latched up in their rooms, its never fun.
Wherever u go, only one thing.....MOSFET's, BJT's, filters, groups, trees, convolution, fourier transform.................................................................................................................................................
n i don't even how 99.99999999999999999999% of these words are pronounced and spelled. forget their definitions and meanings....
I even don't know wht significance these words have in my life.......
Really liked the cozy place u have created...
My exams are also bbye!!!