yesterday...i wrote a loooong thingie.....n accidentally closed down da the window......sooobsss....


everytime i sit down to write something....the only thing that comes to my mind, is , wht should i write???

my free time's mostly always filled some stupid idiotic n foolish thoughts....

it's mostly, where i gonna end up, what am i gonna do in my life......n lot other stuff....

n the secondly, it's about, who's gonna end up wid's damn sure that who so eve she's gonna suffer....n tht's petty sure...

no gal can't tolerate a guy like me.....they simply run away seeing me...

n the other one being.....who's gonna employ me????? he's too gonna go fuse off.....

n i gotta many more things to bother!!!! more than, i can even think of.....

i can't even understand a simple thing in my life - friendship!!

i jus love them....more than anething else in my life....!!!!


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